Operating Systems 2 : TYBCS : Internal Exam: Semester 6 : SPPU

1. Introduction to Software Testing

2. Software Testing Strategies and Techniques 

3. Levels of Testing 

4. Testing Web Applications

5. Agile Testing

Q. Explain different layers of automated tests.

Answer: There are three different layers of automated tests:

1) Lowest Tier: (UNIT Test)

- These are easiest to implement.

- These tests focus on testing individual units of codebase.

- They verify smallest parts of application such as function, method or classes.

- They are fast to execute and provide immediate feedback.

- Most tests should be done at this level as they are cheap and provide highest ROI.

2) Middle Tier: (API/ Acceptance test)

-  These are easier to implement than Top Tier or GUI tests.

- These tests verify that we are building the right thing.

- These tests cover larger sets of functionality than unit test layer.

- This test bypasses the presentation layer making it less expensive to write and maintain.

3) Top Tier: (GUI Test)

- These are the most difficult to implement since requires changes in GUI.

- These tests provide the lowest ROI.

- These tests may take hours to run.

- Example can be, changing the name and button positions of an HTML page.

- These tests should include lowest number of tests.

Q. Write a short note on internationalization testing.

- Internationalization testing is the process that ensures that softwares functionality is not broken and all the messages are properly externalized when used in different languages and locale.

- Application needs to work uniformly under different cultures, customs, standards,etc.

- The tester must be fluent in each language used to test the system in order to confirm proper translation of screens, reports, error messages, etc.

- Internationalization testing is also called as I18N tseting.

- It includes testing of code for how it handles input, strings an dsorting items.

- It checks the display of messages for various languages.

- it checks processing of messages for various langiaes and conventions.

Q. Write a short note on alpha and beta testing.

- Alpha and beta testing is used to test the softawre which are based on feedback from real customers using real product in real environment.

Alpha testing

- Here company employees test the software for functionality and give the feedback.

- outside users are not involved.

- white box and  black box practices are used.

- developers are involved.

- it helps simulate real life environment

- it hhelsp to find serious errors.


- depth functionality cannot be tested.

- sometimes aplha testing results dont help developers and testers.

Beta testing

Q. Explain integration testing. What is bottom up integration.

Q. What is web application? How it works explain with diagram.

Q. Explain navigation testing in detail.

Q. Write a short note on v model with diagram.

Q. Explain test case with example.